ASC/X12 Reference
AK1 - Functional Group Response Header

On this topic:


Technical Notes

  1. The AK1 data segment is used to indicate receipt of interchange.

Standard Information

NOTE: This information is referenced from ASC/X12 and may not be current.  For the latest information please visit the ASC/X12 web site.

To start acknowledgment of a functional group.

01 479  Functional Identifier Code M ID  2/2  1
02 28  Group Control Number M N0  1/9  2
03 480  Version / Release / Industry Identifier Code M AN  1/12  3

Semantic Notes:

  1. AK101 is the functional ID found in the GS segment (GS01) in the functional group being acknowledged. 
  2. AK102 is the functional group control number found in the GS segment in the functional group being acknowledged. 
  3. AK103 is the version release industry identifier code in the GS segment (GS08) in the functional group being acknowledged.