ASC/X12 Reference
GE - Functional Group Trailer

On this topic:


Technical Notes

  1. The GE data segment is used to indicate end of Functional Group.

Standard Information

NOTE: This information is referenced from ASC/X12 and may not be current.  For the latest information please visit the ASC/X12 web site.

To indicate the end of a functional group and to provide control information.

01 97  Number of Transaction Sets Included M N0 1/6  
02 28  Group Control Number M N0 1/9  1

Semantic Notes:

  1. The data interchange control number GE02 in this trailer must be identical to the same data element in the associated functional group header, GS06. 
  2. The use of identical data interchange control numbers in the associated functional group header and trailer is designed to maximize functional group integrity. The control number is the same as that used in the corresponding header.