Framework EDI Reference. Methods and Properties
ediAcknowledgment. RepeatSeparator

Sets or gets the repeating element separator to be used in the acknowledgment document.



The repeat element separator does not have to be set because the repeat element separator used by an interchange in the subject document is used by the corresponding interchange in the acknowledgment document.  If the separator is explicitly set, then the separator will be used for all the interchange(s) in the acknowledgment.


Set oEdiDoc = New Fredi.ediDocument
Set oAck = oEdiDoc.GetAcknowledgment

oAck.CompositeTerminator = ">"
oAck.DecimalNotation = "."
oAck.ElementTerminator = "*"
oAck.RepeatSeparator = ":"

oAck.EnableFunctionalAcknowledgment = True
oAck.EnableInterchangeAcknowledgment = True

oEdiDoc.LoadSchema sPath & "850.SEF", 0
oEdiDoc.LoadEdi sPath & sEdiFile