Framework EDI Reference. Methods and Properties
ediDataElement. MaximumLength

Returns the maximum length allowable for a data element value.



The maximum length property of a data element specifies the maximum length allowed for the value of a data element. A warning will be generated if the length of the value exceeds the maximum length.


Dim oDataElement As Fredi.ediDataElement
Dim oDataSegment As Fredi.ediDataSegment


' Get first data segment in document.
Set oDataSegment = oEdiDoc.FirstDataSegment

' Get the data element that is the 5th position of the BEG data segment.
Set oDataElement = oDataSegment.GetDataElementByPos("\ISA\GS\ST\BEG<373>")

' Show the hexadecimal value of the data element.
MsgBox "Data element maximum length: " & oDataElement.MaximumLength
