Returns the Warnings object.
If successful the object of type FREDI.ediWarnings is returned; otherwise Empty if the call fails.
The ediWarnings object allows one to manage errors and warning messages that may occur during processing an EDI document. During the parsing and constructing of an EDI file, FREDI checks the EDI file against the schema (e.g. SEF file) for correctness. Any discrepancy is an error, which then gets stored in the ediWarnings object.
Set oEdiDoc = New Fredi.ediDocument
oEdiDoc.LoadSchema sPath & "\sef\" & FileSEF.FileName, 0
oEdiDoc.LoadEdi sPath & "\edi\" & FileEDI.FileName
' Must be done after LoadEdi
Set oWarnings = oEdiDoc.GetWarnings
nWarningCount = oWarnings.Count
If nWarningCount > 0 Then
List1.AddItem FileEDI.FileName
For ii = 1 To oWarnings.Count
Set oWarning = oWarnings.Warning(ii)
List1.AddItem oWarning.Code & " " & oWarning.Description
List1.AddItem " "
End If