Framework EDI Reference. Methods and Properties
ediFile. Image

Gets the picture object of an image file.  An image file is either one of the following:




If the contents of the file is either a bitmap, an icon or a metafile then an IPictureDisp object is returned of the image; otherwise an empty object or NULL is returned.


The IPictureDisp is an OLE-Automation object that provides a subset of functionality from the IPicture interface.



Dim oEdiDoc As Fredi.ediDocument
Dim oFileSystem As Fredi.ediFileSystem
Dim oFile As Fredi.ediFile
Dim oImage As IPictureDisp
Dim sGifFile As String

sGifFile = App.Path & "\rhino.gif" ' GIF (image) file

' Create instance of Framework EDI.
Set oEdiDoc = New Fredi.ediDocument

' Get file system object.
Set oFileSystem = oEdiDoc.GetFileSystem

' Get file object that is an image.
Set oFile = oFileSystem.GetFile(sGifFile)

' Interrogate the Image property.
Set oImage = oFile.Image

If oImage Is Nothing Then

MsgBox sGifFile & " file is not an image"
MsgBox sGifFile & " file is an image"
End If
