Framework EDI Reference. Methods and Properties
ediGroup. GetEdiString

Gets a string containing the entire content of the Functional Group.



Returns a string representing the text of the Functional Group.


The text starts with and includes the Functional Group Control Header; and ends with and includes the Functional Group Control Trailer.  The Functional Group Control Segments are as follows:





Dim oEdiDoc As ediDocument
Dim oSchema As ediSchema
Dim oInterchange As ediInterchange
Dim oGroup As ediGroup
Dim sEdiFile As String
Dim sSefFile As String
Dim sOutputString As String

sEdiFile = App.Path & "\850.X12"
sSefFile = App.Path & "\850.SEF"

Set oEdiDoc = New ediDocument
Set oSchema = oEdiDoc.LoadSchema(sSefFile, 0)

oEdiDoc.LoadEdi sEdiFile

' Get Interchange from document
Set oInterchange = oEdiDoc.FirstInterchange

' Get Functional Group from Interchange
Set oGroup = oInterchange.FirstGroup

' Get Functional Group string
sOutputString = oGroup.GetEdiString
Debug.Print sOutputString