Framework EDI Reference. Methods and Properties
ediInterconnectMailbag. Save

Saves the Interconnect Mailbag content to an external file.




Returns 1 if the operation is successful; otherwise the operation returns zero.

Controlling Agency:


The data saved to the file starts with and includes the Interconnect Mailbag Control Header (IH), and ends with and includes the Interconnect Mailbag Control Trailer (IT).


Dim oEdiDoc As ediDocument
Dim oSchema As ediSchema
Dim oInterconnect As ediInterconnectMailbag
Dim sEdiFile As String
Dim sSefFile As String
Dim sOutputFile As String

sEdiFile = App.Path & "\850.X12"
sSefFile = App.Path & "\850.SEF"
sOutputFile = App.Path & "\Interconnect.OUT"

Set oEdiDoc = New ediDocument
Set oSchema = oEdiDoc.LoadSchema(sSefFile, 0)

oEdiDoc.LoadEdi sEdiFile

' Get Interconnect Mailbag from document
Set oInterconnect = oEdiDoc.FirstInterconnectMailbag

' Save Interconnect Mailbag
oInterconnect.Save sOutputFile