Exports the public key of the Key Exchange key pair to a file.
Returns 1 if the operation is successful; otherwise returns 0 if the operation fails..
The Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP) key container contains two key pairs:
1. Exchange Key Pair for encrypting.
2. Signature Key Pair for authenticating.
This method exports the public key from the Exchange Key Pair only. The file contains the actual BLOB extracted from the key container by the CSP.The sServiceProvider and lProviderType specify the CSP that has the key container. If sServiceProvider and/or lProviderType are not specified, the default CSP database is used, which is specified by DefaultProviderName andServiceProviderType. The type of database, whether machine key set or user key set, is specified using ediDocument.Option by the constant OptDocument_MachineKeySet.
Set oSecurities = oEdiDoc.GetSecurities
' Creates a new key container for hypothetical trading partner.
oSecurities.DeleteKeyContainer sKeyContainerName
oSecurities.CreateKeyContainer sKeyContainerName
'Export public key
sPKeyFile = "Recipient.pkey.bin"
oSecurities.ExportPublicKey sPKeyFile, sKeyContainerName