Framework EDI Reference. Methods and Properties
ediSmtpCfg. AddBcc

Adds a recipient that will receive a blind copy of the message.




Returns 1 if successful; otherwise returns 0 if the operation failed.


The email address specified in sRecipientBcc and the parameter sRcptToParameter are used in the SMTP command RCPT TO for specifying the address of the recipient that is to receive the SMTP message.  The syntax of the command is as follows:

RCPT TO:<forward-path> [ <space> <rcpt-parameters> ] CRLF


When Framework EDI automatically generates and sends the message during the DATA communication phase, the message does not contain the BCC header, nor other headers containing the BCC recipient specified in this method,   unless the same recipient has been specified using the AddCc or AddTo method.  In the latter case the recipient will be in the address list specified by the CC or TO message header.

To export the message sent to the server to a file, specify the full path name of the export file in the SendFileOutput property.

For additional information, see RFC 2821: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
