Framework EDI Reference. Methods and Properties
ediTransport. InternetUrl

Sets or gets the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the transport.



The URL identifies in a single string a resource in a remote computer. The URL should specify the scheme of the supported transport, remote host, and the target object (URL path).

<scheme><remote host><target object>

The scheme can only be as follows:

Values specified in the URL can be overwritten by calling other properties in the object. Getting the value of this property after a file has been successfully sent or received returns the URL string containing the parameters used. The User and Password login parameters are not included in the URL string unless it was included in the URL that was originally used to set the property.

If the file name is specified in the URL, then that file name is used as the target file name to be created on the server.  If the file name is not specified then the URL must end in a slash "/" otherwise the last sub path in the URL will be taken as the file name.  For example, the following URL are interpreted as follows:
