Framework EDI Reference. Methods and Properties
ediTransport. LastResponseInfo

Returns data that was immediately available for download after an HTTP request has been sent.



LastResponseInfo only works for HTTP transport.  Before sending a file to a HTTP server, a message is sent to the server in a form of a request, and immediately thereafter Framework EDI (FREDI) receives a message in response to that request, if any.  That response message can be retrieved by interrogating this property. 

By default, if the receive or send function succeeds FREDI does not wait for the response message. 

Technical Note: This property should not be confused as error text returned by the API InternetGetLastResponseInfo() of Wininet.dll.  When extended error information is returned as a result of an error in any of the Win32 Internet function calls, the description of the error is displayed when the error or warning is generated.  This error description is also saved in the ediWarning object that is also generated as a result.  In contrast, the text returned by LastResponseInfo is text returned by the server when the Wininet API HttpSendRequest (or HttpSendRequestEx) and HttpQueryInfo are called. 

