ComponentElementId -
Returns the identifier of the component element (or sub element) that caused
the error.
Description - Returns the description of the error.
ElementId - Gets the data
element identifier of the data element that caused the error.
ElementPosition - Gets the position of the data
element or composite element where the error occurred.
- Gets the functional group control number that the entity that generated the
error belongs to.
FunctionalGroupId - Gets the functional group Id of
the functional group where the error occurred.
- Gets the interconnect mailbag control number that the entity that generated
the error belongs to.
- Gets the interchange control number that the entity that generated the error
belongs to.
MessageCtrlNumber -
Gets the message control number that the entity that generated the error belongs
MessageId - Gets the message Id of the transaction
set/message where the error occurred.
SegmentId - Gets the segment identifier of the
segment where the error occurred.
SegmentIndex - Gets the index location of the data
segment where the error occurred.
SegmentPosition - Gets the position of the data
segment in the transaction set/message where the error occurred.
- Gets the position number count within the ASC/X12 transaction set or UN/EDIFACT
message of the Data Segment that caused the error..