Framework EDI Reference. Methods and Properties

Sets or gets the data in the body.



The property allows modifications made to the body of the message.


Dim oEdiDoc As Fredi.ediDocument
Dim oMailDocument As Fredi.mailDocument
Dim oSubMsg As Fredi.mailMessage
Dim oBody As Fredi.mailBody

' Create instance of Framework EDI.
Set oEdiDoc = New Fredi.ediDocument

' Get internet mail document object
Set oMailDocument = oEdiDoc.GetMailDocument

' Load EDI document normally.
oMailDocument.Load App.Path & "\SampleMail.TXT"

' Get subject message
Set oSubMsg = oMailDocument.GetMessage

' Get subject message body
Set oBody = oSubMsg.GetBody

' Get the body text and show in output window
Debug.Print oBody.Text

' Change the body text
oBody.Text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" & vbCrLf

oMailDocument.Save App.Path & "\Output.TXT"

MsgBox "Done"
