Framework EDI Reference. Errors
Error 14094

There is more component elements than expected in composite structure '<composite id>'


More data exists in the document for the number of component elements that is defined for composite element with composite id.  Normally each data in the document corresponds one-to-one with the component elements of the composite element as defined in the implementation guideline.  That way each data with a matching definition has meaning, and can be syntactically verified.  Additional data, therefore, are undefined and cannot be verified.  This error is generated as a consequence.

For example, in ASC/X12, consider the following data segment definition Measurements (MEA) which has a composite element C001.

REF  ID   NAME                                    REQ TYPE MIN/MAX

01   737  Measurement Reference ID Code           O   ID   2/2
02   738  Measurement Qualifier                   O   ID   1/3
03   739  Measurement Value                       O   R    1/20

04   C001 Composite Unit of Measure ------------- O
 | 01  355  Unit or Basis of Measurement Code     M   ID   2/2
 | 02  1018 Exponent                              O   R    1/15
 | 03  649  Multiplier                            O   R    1/10
 | 04  355  Unit or Basis of Measurement Code     M   ID   2/2
 | 05  1018 Exponent                              O   R    1/15
 | 06  649  Multiplier                            O   R    1/10
 | 07  355  Unit or Basis of Measurement Code     M   ID   2/2
 | 08  1018 Exponent                              O   R    1/15
 | 09  649  Multiplier                            O   R    1/10
 | 10  355  Unit or Basis of Measurement Code     M   ID   2/2
 | 11  1018 Exponent                              O   R    1/15
 | 12  649  Multiplier                            O   R    1/10
 | 13  355  Unit or Basis of Measurement Code     M   ID   2/2
 | 14  1018 Exponent                              O   R    1/15
 | 15  649  Multiplier                            O   R    1/10

05   740  Range Minimum                           O   R    1/20
06   741  Range Maximum                           O   R    1/20
07   935  Measurement Significance Code           O   ID   2/2
08   936  Meaurement Attribute Code               O   ID   2/2
09   752  Surface/Layer/Position Code             O   ID   2/2
10   1373 Measurement Method or Device            O   ID   2/4
11   1270 Code List Qualifier Code                O   ID   1/3
12   1271 Industry Code                           O   AN   1/30

The following MEA data segment in the document  generates the error because there is more data than component elements of C001.


See Also