Configuring Framework EDI (32-Bit)

The following topic discusses how Framework EDI (FREDI) is installed and configured in the system.

NOTE: The components installed by the Framework EDI installers may change from one version to the next. The components listed in this documentation apply to this version only.


Installation Folders

When installing, a path has to be specified as the target folder where all the files are to be copied to.  The target folder is further subdivided into the following:

Installed Files

The following components are installed to the target path.

Installed COM Files

The following DLLs are self-registering, and by default the files are installed to the target path.  However, as long as they have been registered, these DLLs do not have to be located in the target folder in order for the clients to locate them.  Some DLLs do require that the Standard Error Code file (Edidev_SEC.dll) must be in the same path otherwise an error will be generated.

To manually register, or unregister these DLLs, use the REGSVR32.EXE utility that comes with the Windows operating system. 


Installed Assembly

The Framework EDI .NET hybrid file is called EDIdEv.FrameworkEDI.NET.dll.  This file is the core component for .NET applications that use EDI, SEF, and general functions required to build a full blown eBusiness application.  At installation it is automatically installed into the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).  This component is installed in most installer editions, except for those that require the desktop utilities only.  To manually install the file to the GAC, use the GACUTIL.EXE utility.  Example,

gacutil /i EDIdEv.FrameworkEDI.NET.dll


The program executable responsible for uninstalling Framework EDI is Edidev_SDK_Uninstall.exe.  This is the executable invoked when selecting to uninstall "Edidev Framework EDI" in the "Add or Remove Programs" of the Control Panel.  Currently it uninstalls any existing copies of Framework EDI components that have been installed in the target folder specified by the registry entry Software\Edidev\Setup.x86\Target.  If any Program Menu has been specified in the same key, it is removed as well.  

There are 4 possible ways a product can be uninstalled.

  1. When a runtime installer is executed from the command line, any previous installation of Framework EDI is uninstalled.
  2. When running an installer using the GUI interface, if a previous installation is detected, a wizard dialog box will show an option to "Remove" the previous installation.  Selecting the "Remove" option will completely uninstall the previous operation.
  3. Invoking the "Add or Remove Programs" from the control panel, and then selecting "EDIdEv Framework EDI" will uninstall the previous installation.
  4. Manually running the Edidev_SDK_Uninstall.exe file directly on the target folder.  No command line parameter is required.  Information on what gets uninstalled is read from the Software\Edidev key of the registry. 

When the product is uninstalled, the components are deleted from the folder where they were originally installed.  All components self-registered are first unregistered before getting deleted.  The .NET hybrid is removed from the GAC.  All registry entries created by the product are also removed.

NOTE: Any system or shared file replaced, or added, are not deleted or reverted to the older version.  Please see System and Shared Files.


Registry Settings

For applications and components to function properly, certain setup and state information are stored in the registry.  For 32-bit installers installing on 32-bit Windows, registry keys are created directly under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM) and/or HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) registry hives.  However, the same registry keys are redirected into a separate logical registry view by 64-bit Windows.  This separate logical registry view is mapped to a subnode called Wow6432Node, which is created automatically by the WOW64 component of the operating system, so that a registry key in 32-bit created in "HKLM\Software\Edidev" would be redirected to"HKLM\Sotware\Wow6432Node\Edidev".

The following registry keys are created by FREDI Installers:


System and Shared Files

The following Microsoft Windows system and shared files may be installed by FREDI installers.  

These files will be copied over to the Windows System directory and will overwrite older versions of existing files.  However, provisions are made to prevent inadvertently replacing these system files if they are not required.  They are:

  1. For operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000 and higher, these file are not updated, even if by chance the version of the existing files are older.  If the version of the files are older, it is recommended that the computer should be updated using the latest software package carrying the latest version (example Internet Explorer 5.0 or later), or updated with the latest service pack available from Microsoft.  However, if these file do not exist in the system folder, the following action is undertaken:
  2. To further protect the client operating system, these files will update depending on the system file's Windows File Protection (WFP) status.  Under WFP, files marked by the operating system as protected will not be updated by the installer.
  3. Finally, an option not to install these files is also provided.  If the installer detects that any of the above files are going to be installed, the installation wizard will list the files and request confirmation to install.  A "no" confirmation will prevent the files from being installed.  If the installer is executed from the command line, the "-w" parameter can be included to prevent any installation of the system files.  For XP and higher, the files marked as isolated will still be installed on the application's target path.

NOTE: When the product is uninstalled, the system and shared files are not deleted or reverted to the older version before the product was installed.  Isolated system files, that have been installed on the applications target path, will be uninstalled.