Electronic Data Interchange
The Functional Group Trailer (ASC/X12)

The Group Trailer ends transmission of the functional group envelope.  It contains:

This topic covers:


Functional Group Trailer in a document

In the document the group trailer is identifier by it segment identifier "GE" followed by the data element separator.

The group trailer data stream fit into the implementation guideline defined for the group trailer as follows:

01 97 Number of Transaction Sets Included M N0 1/6 1 This value indicates the number of transaction sets that are enveloped by the group at the time that it was prepared.
02 28 Group Control Number M N0 1/9 1 This is the control number that associates the group trailer with its group header pair that has a matching reference number.


Programmatically Reading the Functional Group Trailer

The following steps demonstrates how to read the group trailer.

Programmatically Generating the Functional Group Trailer

The following steps demonstrates how to generate the group header.