Framework EDI Reference. Events
ediDocument. EventNotify

The event handler that gets called when an error or other notable incident has occurred in Framework EDI.




The following is an example that shows how to listen to notifications, warnings and errors in FREDI.

' Set up FREDI to receive events in the module
Private WithEvents m_oEdiDoc As Fredi.ediDocument
   ' In the main routine start an instance of FREDI
   Set m_oEdiDoc = New Fredi.ediDocument



' This is an event handler for EventNotify that captures all errors discovered
' by FREDI.
Private Sub m_oEdiDoc_EventNotify(ByVal Severity As Fredi.EventIDConstants, ByVal ErrorCode As Long, ByVal ErrorDescription As String)
   If Severity = Event_Notify Then
      ' Any notifications sent by FREDI is captured here.
      Debug.Print "Code: " & CStr(ErrorCode)
      Debug.Print "Notification: " & CStr(ErrorDescription)

   ElseIf Severity = Event_Warning Then
      ' Any warnings sent by FREDI is captured here.
      Debug.Print "Warning Code: " & CStr(ErrorCode)
      Debug.Print "Warning Description: " & ErrorDescription

   ElseIf Severity = Event_Severe Then
      ' Any severe errors sent by FREDI is captured here.
      Debug.Print "Severe Code: " & CStr(ErrorCode)
      Debug.Print "Severe Description: " & ErrorDescription

   End If
End Sub