The event handler that gets called when an error or other notable incident has occurred in Framework EDI.
Object. EventNotify(<Event ID Type>, <Event Code>, <Event Description>)
The following is an example that shows how to listen to notifications, warnings and errors in FREDI.
' Set up FREDI to receive events in the module
Private WithEvents m_oEdiDoc As Fredi.ediDocument
' In the main routine start an instance of FREDI
Set m_oEdiDoc = New Fredi.ediDocument
' This is an event handler for EventNotify that captures all errors discovered
' by FREDI.
Private Sub m_oEdiDoc_EventNotify(ByVal Severity As Fredi.EventIDConstants, ByVal ErrorCode As Long, ByVal ErrorDescription As String)
If Severity = Event_Notify Then
' Any notifications sent by FREDI is captured here.
Debug.Print "Code: " & CStr(ErrorCode)
Debug.Print "Notification: " & CStr(ErrorDescription)
ElseIf Severity = Event_Warning Then
' Any warnings sent by FREDI is captured here.
Debug.Print "Warning Code: " & CStr(ErrorCode)
Debug.Print "Warning Description: " & ErrorDescription
ElseIf Severity = Event_Severe Then
' Any severe errors sent by FREDI is captured here.
Debug.Print "Severe Code: " & CStr(ErrorCode)
Debug.Print "Severe Description: " & ErrorDescription
End If
End Sub