Framework EDI Reference. Events
ediDocument. ProgressUpdate

The event handler that gets called when the percentage progress of an internal process has changed.




The process of only a pre-defined set of internal process is measured for progress.  The progress of these processes is passed to the ProgressUpdate handler to allow the client to monitor the progress.  The process completes when the progress has reached 100 percent.  The handler is called when the percent of progress has changed to one or more percentage.


    Private Sub m_oEdiDoc_ProgressUpdate(ByVal ProgressType As Fredi.ProgressTypeConstants, ByVal lPercent As Long)
        Select Case ProgressType
        Case Progress_Type_Single_Import
            ProgressImport.Value = lPercent
        Case Progress_Type_Codes_Read
            ProgressReadCodes.Value = lPercent
        Case Progress_Type_Document_Read
            ProgressLoad.Enabled = lPercent
        Case Progress_Type_Document_Save
            ProgressSave.Enabled = lPercent
        End Select
    End Sub