The eAnalyzer is a utility for validating EDI files of any size. It
compares the EDI file against a corresponding schema (either SEF file or its
internal Standard Reference Library), and then generates a text report of the
discrepancies it finds.
The eAnalyzer Dialog Box:
EDI File: - Enter the EDI filename you wish to analyze.
SEF File: - Enter the file name of the SEF to be used as the schema
for the EDI file.
Use Standard Reference Library: - Check this box if you do not have
a SEF file for the EDI file, and would like the eAnlyzer to use the best
schema in its internal Standard Reference Library for validating the EDI
Output File: - Enter a file name for the generated report text
UN/EDIFACT Terminators - When validating a UN/EDIFACT EDI file without
a UNA segment, the terminators must be specified.
If special characters are used as terminators, they can be entered into
the fields with their ASCII number enclosed in squiggly brackets. A
colon can be used to separate the ASCII numbers if the terminator is a
combination of special characters. For example, if a UN/EDIFACT EDI
file uses a single quote followed by a carriage-return/line-feed as a data
segment terminator, then the following would be entered into the Data
Segment Terminator field: '{13:10}
Report File: The report generated is a text file, which can be
opened and viewed by any text editor.