Framework EDI Reference. eSecurityConsole Utility
Digital Certificates

Create a Test Digital Certificate

To create a test certificate:

  1. First locate the key container whose public and/or public key will be used in the digital certificate.  Highlight and expand the service provider that contains the key container.  If key containers do exist in the service provider, the branch "Key Containers" is displayed.
  2. Highlight and expand the branch "Key Containers" to list all the key containers in the service provider database.

  3. In the list, highlight the name of the key container whose public and/or public key will be embedded in the test certificate, and then right click to display a popup menu.  Scroll down and select Create Test Certificate from the popup menu.

  4. The following dialog box is displayed:

    Fill in the information for the following entries in the dialog box:

    Key container information for public/private key information:

  5. Press OK to save the entries and create the test certificate.