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Question: 226 How do I setup Delphi XE6 to use FREDI.
Answer: (Note: The steps below can be used for both FREDI 32-bit and 64-bit. The only difference would be that for the FREDI 64-bit you would use fredi.x64.tlb located at "C:\Program Files\EDIdEv\BIN" folder.) 1. Install EDIdEv Framework EDI. 2. In the Delphi BIN directory (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\14.0\bin), run the TLIBIMP.EXE using the following syntax to import the component. tlibimp -P <tlib file> -D<output pascal file> For example, using the example path above, at the DOS prompt type: CD\"Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\14.0\bin\" tlibimp -P "C:\Program Files (x86)\EDIdEv\BIN\fredi.tlb" -D"C:\temp" Or, from the Run command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\14.0\bin\tlibimp -P "C:\Program Files (x86)\EDIdEv\BIN\fredi.tlb" -D"C:\temp" Where the path "C:\Program Files (x86)\EDIdEv\BIN\" is where fredi.tlb is located, and "C:\TEMP" is the path where you want the TLB pascal files to be created. The files FREDI_TLB.DCR and FREDI_TLB.PAS will then be created in that folder. After they are created move those files to the project folder. 3. Open your delphi project, and include the FREDI_TLB.PAS file to the project by going to the menu, select Project/Add To Project, and then select the FREDI_TLB.PAS file in the project folder. It should then be displayed as part of your project group in the project manager if the step was successful. 4. Highlight the FREDI_TLB.PAS file in the project manager, then at the menu, select File/Use Unit. In the dialog box, select "Implementation". Click OK. 5. In the "uses" declaration of the source code that will use the component, include "FREDI_TLB" in the list.
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