ASC/X12 Reference
716 - Functional Group Syntax Error Code

On this topic:


Technical Notes

  1. The 716 data element records an error found in the functional group level when reporting a functional acknowledgment or implementation acknowledgment.  When the functional acknowledgment is enabled, the Functional Group Response Trailer (AK9) data segment is created.  If error(s) are found, a 716 data element is created and each error is recorded in the data element.  The number of 716 data elements created depends on how much the AK9 is defined to hold. If no errors are found, this data element is not present in the AK9 segment.
  2. When a syntax error is discovered by Framework EDI (FREDI), the error has a standard error code (SEC) relevant to the operation of FREDI only.  This SEC is mapped to one of the syntax error code below that is then eventually stored in the data element.

Standard Information

NOTE: This information is referenced from ASC/X12 and may not be current.  For the latest information please visit the ASC/X12 web site.

Code indicating error found based on the syntax editing of the functional group header and/or trailer.


1 Functional Group Not Supported
2 Functional Group Version Not Supported
3 Functional Group Trailer Missing
4 Group Control Number in the Functional Group Header and Trailer Do Not Agree 
5 Number of Included Transaction Sets Does Not Match Actual Count 
6 Group Control Number Violates Syntax
7 Invalid Application Sender's Code
8 Invalid Application Receiver's Code
9 Invalid Responsible Agency Code
10 Authentication Key Name Unknown
11 Encryption Key Name Unknown
12 Requested Service (Authentication or Encryption) Not Available
13 Unknown Security Recipient
14 Unknown Security Originator
15 Syntax Error in Decrypted Text
16 Security Not Supported
17 Incorrect Message Length (Encryption Only)
18 Message Authentication Code Failed
19 Functional Group Control Number not Unique within Interchange
23 S3E Security End Segment Missing for S3S Security Start Segment
24 S3S Security Start Segment Missing for S3E End Segment
25 S4E Security End Segment Missing for S4S Security Start Segment 
26 S4S Security Start Segment Missing for S4E Security End Segment
30 Invalid Group Date
31 Invalid Group Time