Electronic Data Interchange (ASC/X12)
Auto-Create Implementation Data Element Note (IK4)

An Implementation Data Element Note (IK4) is created when an error is encountered in a data element in a transaction set of the subject document.
01 C030  Position in Segment The position of the data element that is in error.
02 725  Data Element Reference Number The data element identifier that is in error.
03 621  Implementation Data Element Syntax Error Code Syntax error code that has been translated from the standard error code of the data element error.
04 724  Copy of Bad Data Element Data element value of the data element in error.

CTX.  If the error is generated as a result of a condition in a semantic rule not met, then the Context (CTX) is created as follows:
01 C998 Context Identification By default, this is empty.  

NOTE: For HIPAA specifications, the SEF file is modified to fill the context information here as required by HIPAA.

02 721 Segment ID Code The identifier of the data segment, that the data element in error belongs to, is assigned here.
03 719 Segment Position in Transaction Set The position in the transaction set of the data segment, that the data element in error belongs to, is assigned here.  The transaction set header is position 1.
04 447 Loop Identifier Code The identifier of the data segment, that triggers the start of a loop and where the data element in error belongs to, is assigned here.
05 C030 Position in Segment The position of the data element in error in the data segment is assigned here.
06 C999 Reference in Segment By default, this is empty.  

NOTE: For HIPAA specifications, the SEF file is modified to fill the context information here as required by HIPAA.


The example below shows where the AK2 data segment populates its data from the ST data segment.


See Also: