Electronic Data Interchange
Implementation Acknowledgment (ASC/X12)

The implementation acknowledgment document builds upon the Implementation Acknowledgment (999) transaction set.  It reports on the following 2 errors:

  1. Situational Errors
  2. Syntax Errors

At a minimum, the implementation acknowledgment reports syntax errors;  if the implementation guideline does not contain any semantic rules, the acknowledgment behaves similar to a functional acknowledgment but using the IK3, IK4 and IK5 instead of the AK3, AK4, AK5 segments (used in the functional acknowledgment).  With semantic rules, the implementation acknowledgment reports not only the item in error, but also the situational context under which the error occurred.  This context is reported using the Context (CTX) data segment.

The diagram below is an example of an implementation acknowledgment generated by Framework EDI (FREDI).  The acknowledgment is a report on errors of a purchase order.  The first group of IK3/IK4 reports a syntax error, while the second group of IK3/IK4/CTX reports on a situational error.

The following discusses how the implementation acknowledgment is processed:


See Also