This topic:
Framework EDI (FREDI) reports errors in ASC/X12 documents using the following methods:
Each acknowledgment has its own defined structure containing data segments only applicable to them, but, being EDI documents they conform to a standard structure, that is, they all must have the following control headers, which are automatically created by FREDI:
Auto-Create of Interchange Control Header (ISA)
For documents, the acknowledgment is always wrapped in an interchange envelope consisting of the Interchange Header (ISA) and the Interchange Trailer (IEA) control segments. The Interchange Header (ISA) is constructed as follows:
01 | I01 | Authorization Information Qualifier | Assigned default value of "00" (for No Authorization Information Present) |
02 | I02 | Authorization Information | No default value is assigned, but because the presence of this data element is mandatory a string of space characters as long as the minimum length requirement will be used as value to this data element if no other value is assigned. |
03 | I03 | Security Information Qualifier | Assigned default value of "00" (for No Security Information Present) |
04 | I04 | Security Information | No default value is assigned, but because the presence of this data element is mandatory a string of space characters as long as the minimum length requirement will be used as value to this data element if no other value is assigned. |
05 | I05 | Interchange ID Qualifier | The receiver interchange ID qualifier from the subject interchange is assigned to this data element. |
06 | I06 | Interchange Sender | The interchange receiver of the subject interchange is assigned to this data element. |
07 | I05 | Interchange ID Qualifier | The sender interchange ID qualifier from the subject interchange is assigned to this data element. |
08 | I07 | Interchange Receiver | The interchange sender of the subject interchange is assigned to this data element. |
09 | I08 | Interchange Date | Defaults to current date in GMT when this header is created. The date is in GMT. |
10 | I09 | Interchange Time | Default to current time in GMT when this header is created. The time is in GMT. |
11 | I10 | Interchange Control Standards | Assigned default value of "U" (for ASC X12, TDCC, UCS) |
I65 | Repetition Separator | The repetition separator in the subject interchange is used as the repetition separator of the acknowledgment's repetition separator. The value is assigned to this data element. | |
12 | I11 | Interchange Control Version Number | The version is taken from the version information specified in the schema. The combined string length of the version and the release is truncated so that it does not exceed the maximum length requirement of the data element. |
13 | I12 | Interchange Control Number | The control number is the incremental count of
interchanges within the document, padded to the left with zeros to
satisfy the minimum length requirement. The first
interchange has a control number of 1.
The value here is saved to be later stored in the Interchange Trailer's (IEA) data element I12 when the interchange is closed. |
14 | I13 | Acknowledgment Requested | Assigned default value of "0" (for No Acknowledgment Requested). |
15 | I14 | Interchange Usage Indicator | Assigned default value of "T" (for Test). |
16 | I15 | Component Element Separator | The component element separator from the subject interchange is also used for the acknowledgment's component element separator. The value is assigned to this data element. |
Auto-Create of Interchange Control Trailer (IEA)
The Interchange Trailer (IEA) is constructed as follows:
01 | I16 | Number of Included Functional Groups | The total count of functional groups created since the creation of the interchange header is assigned to this data element. |
02 | I12 | Interchange Control Number | The control number that was assigned to the Interchange Control Header (ISA) is also assigned here. |
Auto-Create of Functional Group Header (GS)
After the interchange header, the functional group envelope is the next layer created consisting of the Functional Group Header (GS) and Trailer (GE) control segments. The Functional Group Header (GS) is constructed as follows:
01 | 479 | Functional Identifier Code | Defaults to "FA". |
02 | 142 | Application Sender's Code | Assigned to the sender's Application Receiver's Code from the subject document. |
03 | 124 | Application Receiver's Code | Assigned to the sender's Application Sender's Code from the subject document. |
04 | 373 | Date | Defaults to current date in GMT when this header is created. |
05 | 337 | Time | Default to current time in GMT when this header is created. |
06 | 28 | Group Control Number | The control number is the incremental count of
functional group within the interchange, padded to the left with zeros to
satisfy the minimum length requirement. The first functional
group has a control number of 1.
The value here is saved to be later stored in the Functional Group Trailer (GE) data element 28 when the functional group is closed. |
07 | 455 | Responsible Agency Code | The controlling agency code "X" is assigned for ASC/X12. |
08 | 480 | Version / Release / Industry Identifier Code | The version, release, sub-release and industry from the schema (that has been selected to use as guideline for creating objects in the functional group) is stored in this data element. |
Auto-Create of Functional Group Trailer (GE)
The Functional Group Trailer (GE) is constructed as follows:
01 | 97 | Number of Transaction Sets Included | The total count of transaction sets since the creation of the functional group header is assigned to this data element. |
02 | 28 | Group Control Number | The control number that was assigned to the Functional Group Header (GS) is also assigned here. |
See Also: