Electronic Data Interchange
The EDI Document

FREDI can read the EDI document in these 2 forms:

  1. File.  The implementation acknowledgment can be created from a subject document that is in a file.  The file can contain binary data in its raw form as long as it is properly placed in the file according to the standard structure.
  2. String.  The data in the subject document can be verified as a string.  The string can consist of any character and terminated by a NULL or zero character.  The string therefore cannot contain raw binary data because the zero characters containing in it can terminate the string prematurely.  Binary data should be encoded first (for example, Base64 or Hexadecimal) before feeding the string to FREDI.  The entire string of the EDI document can be loaded, or the data can be partially loaded a sub string at a time.  In both cases, FREDI actually saves the data internally as a stream and then process the stream when the entire string has been loaded.

Data in the document does not have to be correct because syntax and implementation errors can be discovered during verification.  FREDI will attempt to report all other errors gracefully, but there may be unexpected/unforeseen data errors that could force undefined behavior in the program.  Structured exception handling in the program should be applied to handle such situations.

Example Documents


ASC/X12 with Transaction Set 850

The following shows an actual ASC/X12 EDI document having the following properties:



The following shows an actual UN/EDFIACT EDI document having the following properties:

See Also